How comfortable are you WITH (or in) your skin?

The color and texture of your skin are the most important factors affecting the appearance of your skin. What affects the texture of your skin? One factor that has a great impact on the texture of your skin is the cell turnover. How quickly you replacing your existing cells on the epidermis ( the outer layer of your skin). Ideally it would be approximately 1 month but as we age this can sow down affecting the appearance of your skin, which in turn affects your overall appearance and may affect your how comfortable you are in your skin!

What conditions does your skin need to turn over at an optimal rate to enhance the function, texture and look of your skin?


Without adequate water intake, skin appears duller, and wrinkles and pores more prominent. Proper hydration levels help the skin to become plump and improves its elasticity meaning it's less likely to crack and have irritations and blemishes. Hydration also helps to prevent dirt, and cobat oiliness. Dry skin increases oil because it is compensating for lack of mositure.


More importantly than what to avoid in your diet is what to be sure to include. In order to ensure you have adequate antioxidants to counter free radical damage from high stress hormones, UV rays, the wear and tear from wind, sun and cold you need to include a minium of 4-6 veggies in your diet daily. Focus on greens and round them our with peppers, sweet potatos, and other high nutrient foods which are always the ones with vibrant colours! Foods high in healthy fats support us pathways in our body that balnce inflammation. Such foods are walnuts, avocado, fish oil supplements or foods, raw olive and flax seed oils. Frozen fruits and vegetables can be a great options. Smoothies, stirfires and salads are the most convenient ways to get your daily quota of nutrients in for those with limited time to prepare wholesome meals daily.


Many supplements are available to help to fill in the gap we may have in our diet because of our busy lifestyles that cause us to eat more processed foods lacking adequare level sof nutrients or because our food isn’t grown in the healthiest of soils in the first place. We may also be at the mercy of our local grocery stores and what produce they are able to supply us with during different seasons.

Zinc can be very helpful with those struggline with acne. Foods high in Zinc are pumpkins seeds and nuts or zinc found in a good quality multi vitamin can also help. GLA or Omega 3 fish oil supplements can be helpful in improving the overall texture of your skin as they help to reduce inflammation. Probiotics would be my third favourite supplements for healthy skin because of the impact they have on the immune system and digestion. Supplements do not ever replace a good diet but can be used in conjunction with a good diet to support your health.

GUT Health

Be sure you are paying attention to your gut health. “If your gut ain’t healthy no organ is healthy.” Your gut absorbs and breaks downs nutrients so the rest of our body can utilize nutrients and energy. Any imbalance of bacteria in your gut can contribute to hormone imbalances, nutrienct deficiencies and a weakened ability to keep infections under control. Probiotics are often part of a successful regime for those dealing with skin conditions.

Stress and Sleep

This goes without saying but no part of your body works optimally if you are sleep- deprived because sleep is a necessary factor for the functioning of all of our cells. Stress is the number cause of poor sleep and declining health. We cannot avoid hardships, loss, and challenges but we can educate ourselves on the ways we can reduce the negative impact stress has on our overall health. In regards to your skin, stress will increase the secretion of hormones such as cortisol which damage good bacteria and suppress immune system which decrease s cellular turnover in our skin cells.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to an expert to support you on your health journey. A licensed Naturopathic Doctor can give helpful advice that wil improve your overall health.

Glenna Calder