Benefits of Daily Routines (Written by a Spontaneity Junkie)

During stressful, difficult or uncertain times the power of routine has been proven. Ironically it is during these times that we want to avoid schedules, see routines as boring and run from anything predictable. It is similar to wanting to binge-eat junk food during times when we need nutrient- dense foods the most. I too have felt the pull to ditch the self care, admin tasks and household chores when stress is high or am going through transition. I want to share with you the three KEY ways a routine can increase your willpower, energy and decrease overwhelm especially during times of high anxiety or challenge.

Keeps your Willpower and Energy High!

Having a schedule will make you more efficient by saving you time when you group tasks together which is what I recommend you do when creating your schedule. This will free up more time for fun and leisure activities (which is what we all desire). Having a schedule saves you from dipping into your willpower bank because you don’t have to continuously be deciding when to workout, do your household chores and other important yet less exciting tasks. This means not using your precious willpower to make those decisions, saving your willpower and mental energy for bigger more expansion things in life.

Keeps the Levels of Anxiety Lower.

Who doesn’t get overwhelmed when the tasks pile up, we have gained 15lbs from going off track or we have deadlines approaching in our personal or professional life. We never know when a major life change or tragedy will occur so establish your routine while you are able to, when you have the mental and physical health to make a schedule. When a stressful time comes and you get off track it will be easier to jump back on when you have a pre-established routine. If you don’t have a long list of things you have fallen behind on such as taxes, projects, and bills you will be ever so grateful during extreme stress if you don’t have to also play catch up on those. You may find it extremely difficult to establish a routine when you are experiencing a job change, losing someone close to you or having a health flare up. The beauty of routines is that you are creating habits which take minimal mental energy.

We are happier, more creative and more confident when we have mental clarity (improved cognitive function). To be able to put more mental energy into vacations, high-level projects at work, improving close relationships, removing toxicity and clutter in our lives and making decisions involving long-term planning greatly improves our quality of life greatly. If we have routines and schedules in place we will free up our mental energy to increase the quality of life for us and those around us.

When establishing routines and schedule it will seem boring at first but when you have them in place and your routine becomes merely habits with a schedule that require minimal or no energy or decision-making. This will increase the likelihood of producing hormones and chemicals that promote relaxation, creativity, health and happiness. That my friend can only lead to all good things.

Dr. Glenna